The Theorem of Love, Ulisse di Corpo

Video with

With his characteristic clarity, Ulisse di Corpo explains the two solutions of Einstein’s well-known energy equation. He introduces entropy’s complimentary expression, syntropy, as an attractor, the law that governs the invisible world, as opposed to the causality of entropy, which governs the physical world. He explains that life is a balance, as all our attempts to increase syntropy produce entropy, and the challenge is to increase syntropy with as little entropic action as possible. The key is to use the heart as a compass, as the heart is the chief instrument for detecting attractors from the future. One of the problems of the emphasis on entropy is that we feel we exist, but feel ourselves to be nothing, so find no purpose in life. Meaning can only be found when we unite the entropic universe with our syntropic self. This is the movement from duality to nonduality, which is achieved through love.


Article by

We can sense that this openness, this unconditional love is the deepest truth of our being

#111 When Truth Becomes the Enemy

Podcast with , ,

Examining the vital role of journalists and documentarians in Palestinian conflict zones.

Ultimate Truth & Our Purpose on Earth

Video with

Tiokasin ruminates on the indigenous view of consciousness and our connection as Earth herself.

The well of grief

Poem by

Those who will not slip beneath the still surface on the well of grief,

Nondual Vedic Intimacy

Article by

We humans often feel strangely alone even in intimate relationships, if not all the time, often enough

Meditative Musings of a Medical Student

Poem by

As long as the Earth rotates, to bless us with night and day, the wheel of samsara continues to spin

#34 Conversations on Complexity (Encore)

Podcast with

A discussion of Neil's new book "Notes on Complexity"

Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address

Video with ,

This video, filmed on location at the Onondaga Nation School in Onondaga Nation, focuses on the purpose and uses of the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address.

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