A conversation with 3 gurus: JP Sears, Swami Beyondananda and David Ellzey, moderate by Maurizio Benazzo to enlighten up your day 😉 At SAND16 in the USA we had the unique opportunity of gathering, in the same room, three unique flavors of guru-nesseessness… So this panel was born. Be aware some comments would not be easily understood by mere seekers since these teachings are beyond the usual level of human understanding. And be aware that if we don’t make some fun of our spiritual quest once in a while we risk to take this illusory world too seriously… and, that said, we should take this illusory world VERY seriously as well. And here lies the beautiful paradox of embodying and transcending reality… so… just smile and get on the ride with us…
The Evolved Nest
Article by
Darcia Narvaez
The Evolved Nest: Nature’s Way of Raising Children and Creating Connected Communities