The Three Gurus Panel: JP Sears, Swami Beyondananda, David Ellzey. Moderated by Maurizio Benazzo

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A conversation with 3 gurus: JP Sears, Swami Beyondananda and David Ellzey, moderate by Maurizio Benazzo to enlighten up your day 😉  At SAND16 in the USA we had the unique opportunity of gathering, in the same room, three unique flavors of guru-nesseessness… So this panel was born. Be aware some comments would not be easily understood by mere seekers since these teachings are beyond the usual level of human understanding. And be aware that if we don’t make some fun of our spiritual quest once in a while we risk to take this illusory world too seriously… and, that said, we should take this illusory world VERY seriously as well. And here lies the beautiful paradox of embodying and transcending reality… so… just smile and get on the ride with us…

Psychological Roots of Authoritarianism

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Neuroimaging studies have shown that the amygdala, the tiny almond-shaped brain structure that mediates fear, is larger in people with more rightwing views

Child of the Moon

Poem by

Beirut, 1988 The question of why me has haunted meYou put a machine gun to my head, you got her on her kneesDecades later, an unanswered question and a traumatized brain This terror is hard to shakeI tried meditation and it has been the sameFor all this

#99 Addiction & Trauma

Podcast with

A far-reaching conversation on meta-mindfulness meditation techniques.

Love Outpouring

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Experiencing Ever-Present Happiness by Illuminating and Eliminating the Difference between Who You Are and What You Have Mistaken Yourself to Be

No Room for Neutrality

Video with , , ,

On the Frontlines of Gaza’s Health Catastrophe This full conversation was released with the premiere of the documentary Where Olive Trees Weep, along with 21 days of talks on Palestine with leading historians, spiritual teachers, trauma therapists,

How to Find Peace

Article by

Question: All except a few do not want war, so why dothey prepare for it?

Attention & Will

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We do not need to understand new things, but through patience, effort, and method, we must come to understand with our whole self the truths which are evident

#98 Glissando of Consciousness

Podcast with

A far-reaching conversation on meta-mindfulness meditation techniques.

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