The Way of Love That Sets You Free – SAND19 US

Video with

You love the deepest teaching of truth and freedom, and maybe you’ve had a taste of awakening to your true nature. Yet you still struggle in your relationships. You’re still dealing with your past or resenting your childhood. You’re still self-critical and feel anxious or depressed.

In our sacred time together, you’re invited to bring these personal struggles into open inquiry and exploration. In a safe and supportive group gathering, we untangle the ways you feel separate and discover over and over the infinite peace of your true nature, available in any moment.

Turning toward all of your experience with curiosity and deep acceptance is the way of love that sets you free. You learn to identify subtle inner resistances that keep you feeling separate from yourself—and from life. We slow things down so you can take a breath and be fully present with whatever is appearing. You learn practical skills to help you move through sticky, conditioned patterns.

We respect the humanity of your stories, and we go beyond them to relax into the openness beyond all stories—undisturbed by any problem or emotion. Here we find immediate heart-opening, gratitude for what’s been given, and an undeniable intimacy with all that is.

#117 Minds Under Siege

Podcast with , ,

Exploring the complex intersection of collective trauma, political power in Israel/Palestine

Minds Under Siege

Video with , ,

Journalist Naomi Klein and trauma expert Dr. Gabor Maté explored the complex intersection of collective trauma, political power, and memory.

Dr. King’s Last Speech: I’ve Been to the Mountaintop

Video with

"These are revolutionary times. All over the globe men are revolting against old systems of exploitation and oppression, and out of the wombs of a frail world new systems of justice and equality are being born."

#115 Remembering Nature’s Ways

Podcast with

A SAND Community gathering on evolved morality, child development, and human flourishing in communities.

Nature’s Way of Raising Children

Video with

All animals share with humans brain structures and processes that give us the capacities for life’s rainbow of experiences: consciousness, thinking, feeling, loving, and dreaming.

Evolved Nest (Foreword)

Article by

The Evolved Nest: Nature’s Way of Raising Children and Creating Connected Communities by Darcia Narvaez, PhD and G

Faces of Compassion, Live Q&A

Video with

Gabor on compassion in light of Oct. 7 and genocide.

From Polarization to Re-Creation (Podcast)

Article by

This episode of Living Myth begins with the word polarization being chosen as the dictionary word of the year and ironically being the one thing that both sides of the political spectrum agree upon

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