This Beautiful Drowning: Returning to the Ocean of Is-ness

Video with

How can a fish become aware that it swims in that which it seeks?

Over 745 years ago, in one of the many poems he created that points to the essence of nonduality (Divân, poem #323), Rumi speaks to the secrets of the breath and, with great artistry, paints a picture that juxtaposes a life led by the sense of identity with one that is led by abiding in the Is-ness.

Awakening unfolds when we heed the call of the universal Love whose seat resides in the compass of the human heart.  Through understanding the undifferentiated aspect of Love out of which everything in Existence arises, one gets to awaken, realizing the permanency of reality behind all impermanence and shifting from the superficiality of this life toward the deeper and higher reality that permeates our Being inside out. Our breath becomes the vehicle of awakening.

Consider the supreme spirit as the sea and the bodies as the foam;
come, you who are the pearl of the sea. (Rumi, Divân, poem #3110)

Here, there is no room for two, what is the meaning of I and you
consider these two as one, so long as you are in our assembly. (Rumi, Divân, poem #2965)


What Is Nonduality?

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There is diversity in appearance, but no actual separation

#66 Silent Light

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An anthology episode for Winter Solstice with talks, conversations, poems, and songs from SAND's past

The Disabled God

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The only thing more impressive than an all-powerful being creating the universe, is the lack of an all-powerful being creating the universe

Beyond Light

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The light which is beyond the light even in the darkness of the dark

#57 The Alchemy of Love

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A captivating conversation into divine and personal love with two modern-day mystics

Holding Space for Anger

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Ram Dass interviews Thich Nhat Hanh at State of the Wold forum (1995)


Article by

We can sense that this openness, this unconditional love is the deepest truth of our being

Ultimate Truth & Our Purpose on Earth

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Tiokasin ruminates on the indigenous view of consciousness and our connection as Earth herself.

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