Dear SAND Supporter, we hope you will enjoy watching the SAND Anthology Volume 7 collection of interviews.
SAND Online Anthology Vol. 7 is a collection of conversations with leading scientists, contemporary mystics, authors and teachers. Science and Nonduality Anthology Volume 7 takes you on a journey into the most compelling questions of our time. The anthology includes indepth interview with: Deepak Chopra, Alan Wallace, Scott Kiloby, Julie Yau, Sharon Ellison, Aisha Salem, Joan Tollifson, Dorothy Hunt, Amoda Maa Jeevan, Bernadette Roberts, Mauro Zappaterra, Chetan Prakash
Some of the questions explored in this volume include:
What is the Buddhist view of consciousness? Can a finite amount of matter contain infinite energy? Can science express consciousness mathematically? Is mathematics a subtle structure of reality or an invention of the human mind? What is Cerebral Spinal Fluid? What is complex theory and self organizing systems? How nonduality can help with addiction? Can a nondual experience be an opening for healing trauma? Addiction on the spiritual path. How can an early childhood trauma be healed? How spirituality relates to social justice and politics? What prevents us from embodying that which is already awaken? What is relationship as a spiritual practice?
These questions and many more are explored in this collection. Each interview is a self-standing segment presenting the essence of the dialogues while taking the viewer into a space beyond the questions and answers themselves.