Dadirri: Ancient Aboriginal Mindfulness Traditions

From We Al-li which translates to WeFire : Al-liWater.

Their mission statement:

The first and most essential step to trauma recovery is to create a safe environment for people to heal. Issues of safety are therefore of vital importance and We Al-li makes creating cultural safety foundational to its practice.

In such safe places people can enter the first stage of the trauma recovery process, Telling their Story.

Our workshops provide activities that promote telling and interlinking individual and collective stories and life experiences. Workshop modalities introduce participants to various skills to facilitate the stages of an incremental healing process.

Dadirri: Ancient Aboriginal Mindfulness Traditions

This training introduces Dadirri as the core of all We Al-li practices and skill based learning outcomes. Dadirri provides the foundation for culturally safe practices and establishes a respectful healing environment for skills transference in all We Al-li professional development trainings.

Explore their website to find out more.

The main aim of this workshop is to locate the ancient Aboriginal tradition of mindfulness within the work of trauma recovery in Australia and elsewhere.

The workshop objectives are to establish principles of practice, using mindfulness in self-care, family care and community care and in the development of communities of care, and communities of practice in all trauma recovery work.

Learning to communicate with ourselves and each other at deep levels is primary to effective practice. Participants are introduced to many key therapeutic approaches used by We Al-li including story mapping, sand-play, music, art therapy, movement and guided imagery.

Download the training brief here.


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