Website Contribution Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in submitting a piece for publication on the Science and Nonduality site. We consider articles from all over the world, but can only accept finished, print-ready writing in English. If English is not your first language, please have your piece edited before submission. We reserve the right to edit pieces as needed. We will not accept pieces over 2000 words.
We are looking for material that is digestible and enjoyable for the general audience on all levels of scientific and spiritual understanding. We ask that pieces are culturally relevant and have an interesting title.
You must submit original content. However we do consider pieces that have been previously published elsewhere provided SAND would have permission to use your piece on our website. In such cases, please list where your piece was first featured and provide a link. By sending in your article you are authorizing SAND to publish it on our website and promote it via our social media channels.
Poetry, short pieces of prose, commentary on timeless quotations that have moved or inspired you, a breaking science story, commentary on art or culture, a book review for a book by one of the Science and Nonduality Conference speakers, or acclaimed authors in the field—all are welcome. Here are some of the subject categories that interest us:
- Spiritual Traditions – teachers, practices, texts
- Arts – visual, written, performance
- Life Sciences – biology, neuroscience, medicine
- Physical Sciences – physics, mathematics, cosmology
- Love and Relationships – sexuality, emotions, parenthood
- Sacred Activism – community, gender, ecology
- Social Sciences – human behavior, psychotherapy, philosophy
Please be familiar with the SAND website’s style and send us work which reflects it. A few hundred words is usually enough.
We will not consider contributions of a promotional nature.
We are not able to publish all that is sent to us and are unable to reply individually to your submissions. If your piece is chosen, it will be scheduled for publication on our website.
We are delighted to share your genius and creativity, but are unable to offer any form of payment at this time. Copyright remains with you, the artist. Thank you for taking the time to share your work with us.