#6 New Gods at the End of the World

Podcast with ,

Today we’re super excited to share an organic and wild conversation between two poets, writers, philosophers and theobiologians (that’s Bayo’s term) Bayo Akomalofe and Sophie Strand.

This conversation was hosted by Science and Nonduality’s Zaya and Maurizio Benazzo. To hear the full conversation with Q&A from the live webinar you can view it here.

Also if you want to go deeper with Bayo and Sophie as well as Tyson Yunkaporta and Vanessa Andreotti and if you’re listening to this before the workshop starts on Oct 19 2022, please go to the website science and nonduality.com and consider registering for their three-day workshop.

This workshop is entitled The Wandering, Winding Way of the Wound and it’s a chance to explore our shared global trauma as the modern grammar of loss.

Today’s discourse between Bayo and Sophie is a wild exploration of words, ideas, memes, biology, and ecology. Their dialog touches and weaves into so many territories.


  • Environmental collapse
  • Catholic Saints
  • Joan of Arc
  • Glitches in Evolution
  • The power of mispronouncing
  • Ecotomes
  • The diaspora of the body
  • Babba Lau (who was recently featured on our SAND youtube channel)
  • DSM Manual (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)
  • Bdelloid rotifera (Sophie’s Substack has more info on this creature)
  • Transatlantic slave trade
  • Tardigrades as gods
  • Rewilding Pigs

#117 Minds Under Siege

Podcast with , ,

Exploring the complex intersection of collective trauma, political power in Israel/Palestine

Minds Under Siege

Video with , ,

Journalist Naomi Klein and trauma expert Dr. Gabor Maté explored the complex intersection of collective trauma, political power, and memory.

Dr. King’s Last Speech: I’ve Been to the Mountaintop

Video with

"These are revolutionary times. All over the globe men are revolting against old systems of exploitation and oppression, and out of the wombs of a frail world new systems of justice and equality are being born."

Mind-Brain Consciousness Field

Article by

Between quantum physics and neuroscience, a theory emerges of a mental field we each have, existing in another dimension and behaving in some ways like a black hole

#115 Remembering Nature’s Ways

Podcast with

A SAND Community gathering on evolved morality, child development, and human flourishing in communities.

Remembering Elisabet Sahtouris

Article by

It's with a heavy heart that we remember frequent SAND speaker and contributor, Elisabet Sahtouris (1936-2024)

Nature’s Way of Raising Children

Video with

All animals share with humans brain structures and processes that give us the capacities for life’s rainbow of experiences: consciousness, thinking, feeling, loving, and dreaming.

Evolved Nest (Foreword)

Article by

The Evolved Nest: Nature’s Way of Raising Children and Creating Connected Communities by Darcia Narvaez, PhD and G

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