The creative mind and the dreaming mind share a similar space. In creative process, the spontaneous epistemic uncertainty allows innovation and insights. The dreaming consciousness unfolds narrative tapestry of images, sound, thoughts and emotions. Metacognition in dreams (lucidity) becomes a new event to witness and participate inside the mind’s creative action. In this presentation, through poetic synthesis, projected images and music, the space of lucid mind is invoked. The presentation’s goal is to create the “dream space” in waking to allow the unexpected and creative consciousness emerges in lucid waking.
Fariba Bogzaran founded the Dream Studies Program at JFK
University where she taught for 25 years. She conducted the first major scientific research project on transpersonal experiences in lucid dreaming. Her art-based research focused on the phenomenology of lucid dreaming and modern painting, which led to the concept of Lucid Art. With painter Gordon Onslow Ford, she co-founded the Lucid Art Foundation in 1998. Her publications include: Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them; Lucid Art and Hyperspace Lucidity; and Integral Dreaming: A Holistic Approach to Dreams. She is adjunct professor at CIIS.