Rupert Spira: The Nature of Perception

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All we know of the mind, body and world are thoughts, sensations and perceptions. All
we know of thoughts, sensations and perceptions is the experience of thinking, sensing and perceiving. And all we know of thinking, sensing and perceiving is the knowing of them. In fact, we never find the ‘them’.

We just know Knowing. And what is it that knows this Knowing? Is it known by something other than itself? No! It knows itself. It is Knowing that knows Knowing. All experience is the light of pure Knowing being and knowing itself alone, and, because it never knows or comes in contact with anything other than itself, we can also say, loving itself alone. However, in order to know itself, Knowing does not separate itself into two parts, and become a subject, located in and as the body, that knows an object, other or world. There is no subject-object relationship in its knowing of itself.

Not to know an object as an object is the experience of beauty; not to know an other as an other is the experience of love. Beauty is the essential nature of all perception; love is the essential nature of all feeling. Beauty and love, the essential nature of all experience: two names for the knowing of our Being, its knowing of itself, as it truly is.

From an early age Rupert was deeply interested in the nature of Reality. For twenty years he studied the teachings of Ouspensky, Krishnamurti, Rumi, Shankaracharya, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta and Robert Adams, until he met his teacher, Francis Lucille, twelve years ago. Francis introduced Rupert to the teaching of Jean Klein, Parmenides, Wei Wu Wei and Atmananda Krishnamenon and, more importantly, directly indicated to him the true natureRu of experience.

Rupert’s first book is “The Transparency of Things,” subtitled “Contemplating the Nature of Experience,”. His second book, “Presence Volume I The Art of Peace and Happiness and Presence Volume II The Intimacy of All Experience” has been currently released by Non-Duality Press.

Listen to our Sonified Universe

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#101 Apian Wisdom

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A discussion at the intersection of cultural, spiritual, and ecological dimensions of natural honeybee life.

Artist Ana Mendieta

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The Evolved Nest: Nature’s Way of Raising Children and Creating Connected Communities

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It is a false privilege to seem to extract ourselves from the messy mosaic of life by reaching for, upholding and hiding behind, spiritual truths that end up serving a sense of entitlement

Opening Oneself 

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Our task is not to save anyone, nor the world, not even ourselves

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A show of excerpts and highlights from the second year of the podcast.

Basic Trust, Part I

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One of the expressions of an awakened heart-mind is a basic trust in reality.

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